Everyday uniform
A burgundy cardigan or jumper. These can be plain (purchased from supermarkets etc) or with a logo on purchased from Hucknall sports
A white polo shirt. These can be plain (purchased from supermarkets etc) or with a logo on purchased from Hucknall sports
Black or grey trousers, skirts or shorts.
Blue checked summer dresses or play suit
Black school shoes
No jewellery should be worn to school, other than simple stud earrings.
PE Kit
Black or navy shorts/jogging bottoms (these should be a suitable length)
Plain white t-shirt or polo shirt
Plain black/navy jumper/zip up top (School jumper can be worn as an alternative)
Trainers or plimsoles
Plain clothes are preferred, but if not, small discreet logos.
Long hair must be tied back, earrings & watches removed.
We are delighted to be able to now offer a Leen Mills hoodie for the children to wear on their PE days. They are burgundy and have the Leen Mills logo on the front. These jumpers are not compulsory, but they provide a wearable option for the children on their PE day.
The hoodies will be available to order twice a year now (February) and July. Unfortunately, we can only take orders at these set times.
These can be ordered through school via ParentPay. The sizes and prices are as follows.
Children’s sizes - £13 each
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Garment Sizing |
Adult sizes - £16 each
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Garment Sizing |
Again, these hoodies are not compulsory and if you wish for you child to continue to wear a plain blue/black jumper they can do so.
Second hand uniform
School has a large amount of second hand uniform available. This can be requested at the school office when/if needed.
School will also hold a second-hand uniform stall for the last week of each half term. Here donations are welcome or parents can take what they need.