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Leen Mills
Primary School
Curious, Creative, Confident


Leen Mills Primary school has a learning environment that is inclusive, stimulating and provides challenge for
all learners. Children understand that learning is a process of exploring their lives and developing skills they
need to become independent. Children learn that they can direct their learning to achieve their goals. They
believe that change is something they can control and shape to reflect the school they want to create, the
society they want to live in and the person they want to be. All children deserve a good quality of life where
they are safe and happy. 

Leen Mills Primary School follow the guidelines set by the DfE SEND Code of Practice and Nottinghamshire's SEND policy and Local Offer which provides details of all the services and provision that are available to families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities to ensure that the needs of our children are identified early. The category of needs may include;

                Cognition and Learning needs

                Communication and Interaction

                Sensory, physical and/or medical

                Social, Emotional and Mental health

We work in partnership with parents, carers and outside agencies to meet the needs of our children within a mainstream setting. 

Our SENDCO is Miss Hayley Owen. She can be contacted on 0115 9536688 or 

DfE SEND code of Practice
DfE information
Nottinghamshire Local offer
SEND offer in

The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.